For those who do not know, I have this secretary who has turned missing days of work into an art form. Her powers to avoid a day of work here and there is downright awe-inspiring. It's something that should be encouraged and celebrated. So, here it is, the official Donna count. Check back often for updates.
Days of work missed since June 21, 2006: 7.5
Latest "reason" for missing work: Donna has a headache. Yeah, really, you just read that. Honestly, who in the world misses work for a headache?! You absolutely have to be kidding me! I was basically on my sneezing death bed for the last week and I still managed to be an effective contributer to society. Come strong or don't come at all, lady! Oh yeah, I forgot who I was talking about, she never comes. And, when she does come to work, she's usually completely and utterly usless.
At least some good has come out of this, it has forced me to post on the blog, which I have somewhat neglected over the past week. My apologies.
Oh, and check for another Donna update on Friday, Baylor has an away football game, which pretty much guarantees our secretary's latest demise due to some unknown illness. Who knows, maybe she will get creative and say some tsetse fly got to her, at least that would be amusing.
Until next time kids.
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