Thursday, September 07, 2006


Every once in awhile, my little Honda Civic needs some gasoline. Usually, I will fill the car up on my way home from work at a large truck stop at my exit off of I-35 in Hewitt. As is the case with most gas stations these days, I am usually forced to pre-pay for the gas I wish to purchase in order to make my meager car go.

Yesterday was no different. Most of the time, I will just slide the credit card in the nifty little slot and be on my way. However, yesterday, I was a bit thirsty as well so I made the trek into the station to purchase a soda as well. I head to the cooler and change things up by reaching for the Diet Coke instead of my usual stand-by of Diet Mountain Dew.

As I head to the register, I notice something extremely daunting, a line of about 15 people waiting for the cash register. Immediately, I think to myself waiting for 15 people in line to purchase a $1 bottle of soda is not worth it. Right before I turn around to put away the drink and head back to my car, I notice something odd. To the right of this line, there seems to be an open register line with NOBODY in it.

I stand there, perplexed. After a little shock, I go to make my move at the register on the right. As I approach slowly, I figure it would be rude if I just ran up, paid for my drink and exit. So, I offer the 15 people (I counted) in the other line if they wanted to go first. To my surprise, nobody accepts my kind offer and nobody gets behind me in line.

So, I pay for my drink and gas and split; but, not before I ask the clerk one simple question.

ME: Is that the idiot line to my left?
CLERK: Yeah, I guess so.


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