Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Much props to Fox News in its coverage of the Israel - Lebanon confrontations over the past week. For some reason, I decided to watch some of Fox News' coverage of the event this week and discovered the angle the network was taking on this whole ordeal had a "could this be the start of World War III?" feel to it. Numerous analysts even seemed to agree with the whole notion; or, at least agreed with the idea the possibility had a chance (albeit a small one) to arise.

Excited about the possibility of cool, state-of-the-art, World War III graphics on Fox News, Geraldo reporting live at the next possible nuclear target and Bill O'Reilly yelling absurdities like "it was GOING to happen, we NEEDED it to happen and I am GLAD it happened ," I decided to do some further research into this Israel-Lebanon thing.

Unfortunately, I was saddened to find out the possibility of World War III escalating from this conflict was rather remote. I was able to come to this conclusion based on the following fact:

Iran recently came out and said a "cease-fire" had a high probability of occuring at some point during the conflict.

I will let that sink in for a moment... Iran. The country that brought the world the Ayatollah, civil unrest and a general disdain for much of the planet. Yes, Iran, a nation of reason... Oh, not to mention the G8 countries recently came out and all said the same thing.

So, job well done Fox News, for stirring the pot. We the people do not need facts discussed, it just gets in the way of pure entertainment. Unfortunately, for some poor, uneducated sap in West Virginia who watched Fox News this weekend, he probably took the notion as "real" and is now buried deep in some bunker wondering when the world is going to end.

I hate Fox News...

(FYI, for further information about how I hate Fox News and most other 24-hour, American news stations, I refer everyone to some obscure stack at the Marshall University library. This is where I have a 200-page, master's thesis on the topic which uses much more professional language than "you suck, Fox News.")


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