In order to branch out a little but, old Casey has hit the information superhighway in hopes of branching out and meeting some new people. That's right, Casey has created a profile on MySpace.
It's the last bastion of hope for a guy that once was able to bring in over two million fans a season. If you feel like asking Casey as your friend, need to send some words of encouragement or just want to read the absolute ridiculousness that is the profile of a baseball hat, readers can find Casey's profile right here.
Right now, Casey has only one friend, that creepy Tom dude who wants to be everyone's friend when people sign up on MySpace. So, help a guy out, become Casey's friend. I'm just passing the word on; and, Casey would like everyone to know the profile will be updated once he figures out how to do all that fancy, schmancy, MySpace crap.
Collins, you need a girl ... or a new job ... or a new life ... or all of the above. This is just plain said. Clever ... but sad.
I'd vote new job. My life is a blast.
I'm sure Don Denkinger will be your friend.
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