Monday, June 26, 2006


Sorry for the short post; but, for some strange reason, actual work had to be done today. That being said, here is what I learned this weekend in Waco, Texas:

1. Apparently, a person can call somebody a "social retard;" however, it is only meant as a sincere compliment.

2. Back dimples do not define whether or not a woman is attractive (a much heated debate); however, having them does not hurt. Although, keep in mind, lack of dimples does not diminish from one's attractiveness.

3. Do not stand close to bartenders opening new bottles of champagne; otherwise, a cork might smack a person in the chest.

4. Re-enactment of the Argentina goal in its victory over Mexico is not only fun, it is also highly encouraged.

5. Do not get in the way of a person and their ash tray.

6. Apparently, three girls who go to Hooters without any guys in tow do not always do so in order to apply for jobs. Instead, they are apparently there because the food, service and ambiance suits them quite nice.

7. Do not drink the listed "fire sale" beer at Cricket's. It's on fire sale for a reason, most likely because it tastes bad, expired three years ago and is starting to ferment into some sort of thick, wheat-tasting substance.

8. Vince Vaughn is much skinnier in Swingers than he is in Wedding Crashers; however, he has not gained nearly the amount of weight as has Jon Favreau.

9. Without the United States in the World Cup (an event that happens once every four years, people!), the local ABC affiliate will apparently go back to its regularly scheduled programs, which happen to be a pair of infomercials and a local church service.

I'd have a 10th item to list; but, I didn't really learn 10 things this weekend. Making something up would just be cheating everyone.


At 10:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Responding to point 8:

Has anyone in recent movie history seen their weight yo-yo more than Jon Favreau? From Rudy to Swingers, and then from Made to Elf, he looks like anywhere from 2 to 4 different people. He changes body size more than Scot Pollard changes haircuts. This has bothered me for some time. After seeing him in The Break-Up, I can only wonder how long it will be before he resembles the big mustached mulleted genteleman who works at the scorer's table during Baylor basketball games.

At 7:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In following suit with your posts, a list:

1. I disagree with you- this was a long post

2. Russ told me about said "back dimples"- I'm not sure if he told you or not, but we definitely saw a case of back dimples in which the female was in fact, UNattractive

3. About #6- sure such girls exist; they also have such adjectives as "trashy" or "desperate" to pick up guys....that being said, please just stick to Crickets for weekend debauchery.

4. I wish I could have seen you re-enact #4

5. I'm so glad I finally found your blog. Russ told me about it and the random Waco-isms that you write about. Good to know that whatever fun drama I miss, I can always catch up on with this. Keep up the fun posts. I think I've just found one more thing to entertain me at my new job. ;-) Miss ya'll!


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